GPT-4-ALL: Proprietary Artificial Intelligence for Everyone. Financed by Donations, Grants and Philanthropists. GPT-4-Turbo, Whisper, MidJourney, ElevenLabs, Runway Video and more 4-All via


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Donors Toplist:
1) 12,833 USD in Bitcoin by Emin Mahrt

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We also provide Stripe Checkout, European IBAN, Russian Bank Accounts and Tanzanian Bank and Mobile Money Accounts. Please reach out. Donating is easy. was used by 2336 Users in the last 15 Minutes, sending more than 1000 Questions via WhatsApp to GPT-4 and creating 47 Images via MidJourney in the last 15 Minutes. *(2023-01-10, 8:11 PM).

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Video Summary

1. The need for interconnectedness: Connecting existing technologies, such as AI, blockchain, and the internet, to bridge gaps and enhance connectivity.

2. The proposed framework: Developing a framework that seamlessly connects to various platforms, networks, blockchains, and AI technologies.

3. Accessibility via WhatsApp: Utilizing WhatsApp as a test ground for accessibility, aiming to reach a broader audience due to its wide usage.

4. Language capabilities: The framework supports multiple languages, including Swahili, and can handle voice messages for easy communication.

5. Operational status: The framework is already functional and can interface with popular AI models like MidJourney and GPT-4.

6. Overcoming limitations: Addressing challenges such as limited smartphone access, expensive internet costs, and network connectivity issues to ensure inclusivity.

7. Assistance and expertise: Offering assistance in open-source development, regulatory frameworks, crypto, and coding to support the initiative.

8. Open-source and permissionless: Committed to being open-source, permissionless, and accessible to everyone, driven by an open market concept for API requests.

9. Fundraising: Exploring fundraising opportunities to accelerate development and ensure faster progress.